
A Walk to the Shop

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DarkPlaceHospitalPLC's avatar

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Waluigi walked around in a daze. His back was twinging like it usually did within a few hours of waking. His stomach growled as its insistent signals were the reason he was at the food store. He knew that being hungry shot his concentration, but he had been so close to finishing his new surveillance system that it was an effort of will to take a break. That was not helping his mood either.

He sighed as he stalked around the aisles, his head clear of the top by most of a foot. Sure, there was a decent human population in the cities but most places were made for Toads. In fact, it felt that most of the time he assumed the same shape as the capital Gamma he had adopted such was his height.

Right, milk, cheese, bread, anything than the garlic-laced garbage that passes for Wario's cooking. He felt another hunger pang. Better add bananas and cookies. Don't miss snack-time or it will suck.

He stood up to his full height to get the cookies of the top shelf, stretching out his neck. Then he froze as he saw the top of someone else's head. White blonde hair and human from what he could see. 

Who's that? Oh wait. Could that be...her? If so what's she doing in a grocery store?!

Waluigi was grateful that the time spent reading newspapers and magazines wasn't wasted. But that didn't answer the questions as to why she was here. Wasn't she supposed to be a queen of space? Doing her shopping? Only one way to find out.

Waluigi made a broad stride such that he disappeared behind the shelves. Woah! Don't make it look like you're actually stalking her! He looked around at the aisle nearest to the tall woman. Scourers and bleach. Don't really need them but try and act nonchalant.  
He tuned the corner and feigned an interest in the selection of shampoo which faced him while he looked at the woman from behind. She was only a little shorter than he was and her white blonde hair fell to below her shoulders. She was wearing a short sky blue tunic with a low collar and a pair of slim white trousers. She was perusing a list in one hand while massaging her lower back with her other fist. She looked tired and from what he could see of her face looked a bit flushed, even though it was not that warm outside. She sighed.

He guess correctly that she needed something off the bottom shelf. Much to his dismay he found himself blushing. 

Offer to pick up her shopping, jerk! Damn! Why can't I speak?! Is this what Luigi feels like all the time!? Nope too late! She....She's beautiful. And she doesn't know me. And hasn't heard of me. Yet. This is your chance not to screw up.

She bent down to pick up the item. Waluigi concentrated on not watching her bottom but when faced with what looked like feminine hygiene products realised that would look even weirder. You're gonna have to walk past her then. 

He walked past but as he did so she stumbled and dropped her basket.

"Damn! Dammit! There goes my eggs! Oh no!" As various items skittered out of the basket onto the floor.

Waluigi turned to face her as he grabbed some of the spilt items and put them in her basket.
"Uh let me help you"

"Oh thanks! Oh no, the eggs are broken! They're making a mess on your trousers! Sorry!"

Waluigi wiped his hand on his trousers. "No s'ok, these things kinda happen. I'll get you some fresh ones from the fridge. It's a pain having to bend down ALL THE TIME!"

Their eyes met. 

"Um this is gonna sound uh weird but are you Rosalina?"

"Yes. That is me. I don't think we've met but you look kind of ...familiar? How did you guess my name?"

 Waluigi returned with the eggs and an irate young Toad with a mop and bucket. "Clean up in aisle 4!" 

Rosalina blushed.

"There's so much to take in, if I'm going to live here for some of the time. Oh! What am I saying?! I don't know you."

Waluigi was lost for words. She was supposed to be a queen of space, but there she was looking out of her depth amongst the shopping. She looked lost and strangely tired. But she said she didn't know him! Don't screw this up this time!

"It's ok, I hate shopping too. Oh and I read the papers. It was meant to be a big thing you arriving at Peach's castle."

"Oh that. Of course. I didn't expect the press to be that interested. Oh wait. Who are you again?"

Come on man! If you keep stalling she'll think you're that loser Luigi! Tell her your name!

"Um My name is Waluigi". Rosalina's brow wrinkled with puzzlement but relaxed. Phew! Got away with it!

"Waluigi, that is an unusual name for a human. are you ok? You just gasped!" 

You stupid dumbass! You've blown it. Gotta think fast!"

"Um yeah, my back aches too. Being tall can kinda suck. I'll help you take this stuff to the checkout."

"Thanks, we haven't met. You don't know Wario do you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"It's...It was a bit weird meeting him. Like he seemed real keen to sort me out with supplies and equipment for my ships and orbital platforms but completely clammed up when I said that I couldn't put up his commsat up for free. You still have to get a rocket for that!"

Dammit what now! Wario's a complete jerk but I still work with him! I didn't think this was going to come out!

"Yeah, I know him. I've ... worked with him. He's ok really, just he's really into money but not into washing! Just be real careful if you do take him up on things he offers."

They payed for their shopping and bagged up their groceries.

"Thanks Waluigi, for giving me the heads up on Wario."

"Thanks, Rosalina. I guess this is goodbye."

"Maybe not. It's a nice day, we can walk for a bit, owww I need to. It really hurts when standing."

"Are you Ok?"

"I will be. I don't know how you cope, Waluigi with being this heavy all the time. You're even taller than me!"

"My back plays up. It was Wario's idea but I have a set of bars I can hang and stretch from. Those help a lot. Uh what do you mean about being heavy all the time?"

Rosalina blushed.

"Oh, I forget but where I come from gravity is a lot stronger." She saw Waluigi's quizzical gaze.
"It might not make sense but that means even the biggest stars a only a mile across and the planets are tiny. You can walk round them in half an hour. It's just I am used to walking up hills and feeling lighter. You never feel lighter up the hills here!"

"Ah. I get that allright!" Waluigi smiled.

It was Rosalina's turn to look quizzical. She had met Wario and judging by the colours he wore on his cap this man Waluigi was one of his associates. But he seemed almost sweet. True she could see how others found him scary with his great nose, hefty jaw and pointy ears, coupled with a leanness which looked unhealthy. But it was a true smile which reached his eyes and it somehow made his features soften. He was actually almost handsome in a strange, dark fashion. She wondered if he smiled often.

"So if Peach has invited you here, why are you doing your own shopping?"

"I don't want to be trouble to Princess Peach and I don't want the attention when I visit so I have a small cottage that I am renting here in the kingdom. I feel I need to see what ordinary people do, and I'm not used to servants. I'm so used to being on my own, but I do get lonely. It was so nice to meet Peach, Daisy, Mario, Luigi..."  Her voice trailed off.

"Yeah, most people have been good, but the press can be a pain, and there is always someone who doesn't like anyone different."

"Yeah. I get that."

They walked down the path until it reached a small river. One branch went over the river, the other went parallel to the river. 

"Goodbye for now. It was really nice talking to you. Do you mind if I call you Wally? I can't quite remember your full name."

Wally? It had a nice feel about it. Sure why not! It made a change from the usual name calling.

"Yeah, that's ok, Rosalina."

"Look maybe we can talk further. Not today, I am still setting up my house. But we could meet up by this bridge next week same day at 10 if you like? There's a cafe we can sit outside if the weather is nice. We won't hit our heads on the doors either."

Now it was Waluigi's turn to blush. Was this a date!? Calm down, don't do anything weird this time. It's just coffee and cake!

"Yes! That'd be great! I get what you mean about getting lonely and not seeing people. I'll wear something nicer than these duds".

He looked at his well worn coveralls studded with pockets full of various small tools, the rapidly drying egg on his trousers and the grubby gloves poking out of his chest pocket. Man! I sure FEEL like Number 1. I don't even have ot say it!

And so he walked back to his workshop grinning like an idiot.
Some more WaluigixRosalina with some fluff. I might write a sequel if there is demand for it.

next part Coffee and cake
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Starbonsai's avatar
I DEMAND for a sequel.